Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shame on you Mr. Petrino

If anyone was shocked by the recent events in Arkansas, they have not been paying attention.

Yes, this was the first time that it has been publicized that Bobby Petrino was one of the idiots who rides a motorcycle without a helmet. Yes, this is the first time it has been publicized that he is a cheating idiot who deserves to lose half of everything he owns to his estranged wife.

But, these are symptoms of an issue, though they may have effects of their own.

The issue here is not that Bobby Petrino makes poor personal safety decisions, nor that he is has had a mistress for some time now.

The issue is that Bobby Petrino is a selfish man who is only interested in what he wants and thinds he deserves; that he believes that his position as head football coach and the money that brings in grant him the leverage to take whatever he wants. His ego has long been a matter of record, having been regularly reported upon when he was at Louisville and evidenced by his abandoning the Atlanta Falcons for greener pastures in their hour of need. 

I, for one, laud the University of Arkansas for dealing with this situation as if it were *gasp* a professional situation. You can have a mistress, that is between you and your wife…well and your mistress. You can give money to you mistress, you can personally hire your mistress if you own a company. What you cannot do is funnel ‘company’ money to your mistress, which includes hiring her personally to work for our ‘company’.

These are unethical actions by a man whose position exists for 2 reasons. Win games to make us money, and better the lives of the people who we put in your care. The latter of those 2 is far too often overlooked, and with some cause where the good a head coach does outweighs the negatives or failings. After all, everyone has their failings and few will be able to be the ‘perfect’ head coach. But, this was too far Mr. Petrino.

I wish you luck in salvaging whichever of your relationships you decide is the one you want, and I sincerely hope that you are never given the opportunity to be the head coach in college football again. You have proven yourself to not be the kind of man that parents should entrust to enhance the moral fiber of their children.

But hey, there’s plenty of Offensive Coordinator jobs out there.

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